Day 1 (Thursday 21st February)

9:00 – Registration & Welcome

K2.29 – Council Room, Strand Campus, King’s College London, WC2R 2LS (

9:30-10:45 – Migration and Categories of Selfhood (full abstracts)

Dr Kate Averis, Université Paris X: Exiles, migrants, expats? A new generation of Latin American women writers.

Sophie Stevens, KCL: ‘El maquillaje y el exilio hacen milagros’: exploring the representation of double exile in Ligeros de Equipaje by Jorge Díaz.

Elvira Fente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Migrant Spanish women in France: integration, disagreements and solidarity

Chair: Rocío Rødtjer

10:45-11:15 – Tea/Coffee Break

11:15-12:30 – Parallel session

Session A – Return from Exile (Council Room)  (full abstracts)

Liliana Worth, Jesus College, Oxford: From outsider to insider: Exile-and-return and the transformation of society in the Cantar de Mio Cid.

Isabel Moreira Macedo and Rosa Cabecinhas, Universidade de Minho: Diasporic identity(ies): migrants as filmmakers and actors in Lusophone documentary films.

Chair: Kate Averis

Session B – Galician Migration (K0.19) (full abstracts)

Mónica Molanes and María Alonso Alonso, Universidad de Vigo: ‘La generación mejor preparada de la historia de España’: un estudio de la representación de la nueva diáspora gallega en la prensa.

Elisabeth Graf, Universität Wien: ‘Estoy aquí y estoy allá.’ El cambio de identidad de los emigrantes gallegos en la edad de la emigración transnacional.

Ben Inman, University of Liverpool: Transatlantic Disputes: The Early Galician Emigrant Press on the Issue of Emigration.

Chair: Maite Usoz de la Fuente

12:30-13:45 – Lunch

NB: lunch will not be provided but information about places to eat in King’s and the surrounding area will be provided.  As the Strand Campus is central there is plenty of choice!

13:45-15:30 – Cultural Effects of Migration (full abstracts)

Maria do Carmo Cardoso Mendes, Universidade do Minho: Lusophone literature in African countries.

Patrick O’Shea, University of Manchester: Diasporic Absence in Contemporary Cuba.

Néfer Muñoz, Harvard University: Perrozompopo: non-conformist migrant music after the Sandinista Revolution.

María Bastianes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: La Celestina a través del atlántico. Características y recepción de dos puestas en escena de la obra de Rojas en Buenos Aires.

Chair: Sophie Stevens

15:30-16:00 – Tea/Coffee break

16:00-17:15 – Twentieth-century Spanish Exile and Migration (full abstracts)

Núria Codina, TU Chemnitz – Institut für Europäische Studien: Political Commitment in Contemporary Spanish Literature: An Overview from Post-war Literature to Transnational Narratives.

Carmen Artime, KCL: Numancia errante en Albión: Un exilio minoritario de la República (1939-1975).

Prof. María Rosario Quintana, Marshall University (USA): El exilio a través de la correspondencia de Camilo José Cela: la función de Papeles de Son Armadans.

Chair: Charlotte Fereday

17:15-17:30 – Quick break

17:30-18:30 – Keynote

Prof. Sylvia Molloy, New York University: Resilient Ghosts: Dislocated Memory and the Urge to Return

19:00 – Conference dinner in a local restaurant